Sunday, September 13, 2009

Workflow for Week 2

Digital Arts: The students have all been given a question from a 2007 or 2008 Global History New York State Regents exam. The students should get familiar with the elements of their question and create vector symbols in Adobe Flash.

3D Arts: Sketches will be approved for the 3-D Cube with designs on the faces and the project will move ahead accordingly.

9th Grade: The 9th Grade classes are working on their one point perspective exercises, where they will also both lead into two point perspective as well as contrast as they "ink" the drawings with a razor point marker pen.

The Moodle Portal has really been a great tool in setting the pace for the courses. It is PDF driven so I can simply print out handouts for the students that are not digitally based, and they can access the information as well anywhere they can get online as I have provided the link. The Digital Arts class have all been given logins and supplemental instructions on the next step in their project.

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